.. _beaglev-fire-flashing-board: Flashing gateware and Linux image ################################## .. todo:: This is the *hard* way! Special cables and FlashPros are not required when using the firmware we initially ship on the board. This tutorial should be rescripted as how to _unbrick_ your board. Also, we have other work-arounds using software and GPIOs rather than FlashPros. Let's not put this in user's face as *the* experience when it is far more painful than using the `change-gateware.sh` script and "hold BOOT button when applying power" solutions we've created! In this tutorial we are going to learn to flash the gateware image to FPGA and ``sdcard.image`` to eMMC storage. .. important:: Additional hardware required: 1. FlashPro5/6 programmer 2. `Tag connect TC2050-IDC-NL 10-Pin No-Legs Cable with Ribbon connector `_ 3. `TC2050-CLIP-3PACK Retaining CLIP board for TC2050-NL cables `_ Programming & Debug tools installation *************************************** To flash a gateware image to your BeagleV-Fire board you will require a FlashPro5/6 and FlashPro Express (FPExpress) tool which comes pre-installed as part of `Libero SoC Design Suite `_. A standalone FlashPro Express tool is also available with MicroChip's `Programming and Debug Tools `_ package, which we are going to use for this tutorial. Below are the steps to install the software: 1. Download the zip for your operating system from `Programming and Debug Tools `_ page. 2. Unzip the file and in the unzipped folder you will find ``launch_installer.sh`` and ``Program_Debug_v2023.1.bin``. 3. Execute the ``launch_installer.sh`` script to start the installation procedure. .. code-block:: bash [lorforlinux@fedora Program_Debug_v2023.1_lin] $ ./launch_installer.sh No additional packages to install for installer usage Requirement search complete. See /tmp/check_req_installer608695.log for information. Launch of installer Preparing to install Extracting the JRE from the installer archive... Unpacking the JRE... .. note:: It's recommended to install under `home/user/microchip` for linux users. Enabling non-root user to access FlashPro ========================================== 1. Download :download:`60-openocd.rules <60-openocd.rules>` 2. Copy udev rule ``sudo cp 60-openocd.rules /etc/udev/rules.d`` 3. Trigger udevadm using ``sudo udevadm trigger`` or reboot the PC for the changes to take effect Flashing gateware image ************************ .. note:: content below is valid for beta testers only. Launch FPExpress ================= 1. Download ``FlashProExpress.zip`` file and unzip, it contains the ``*.job`` file which we need to create a new project in FPExpress. 2. Open up a terminal and go to ``/home/user/microchip/Program_Debug_v202X.Y/Program_Debug_Tool/bin`` which includes FPExpress tool. 3. Execute ``./FPExpress`` in terminal to start FlashPro Express software. Create new project =================== .. important:: Make sure you have your FlashPro5/6 connected before you create a new project. Press ``CTRL+N`` to create a file and you will see a pop-up window like shown below, .. image:: ../images/FPExpress-new-project.png :width: 598 :align: center :alt: FPExpress new project creation window Follow the steps below as annotated in the image above: 1. Click on browse (1) button to select the job file. 2. Click on browse (2) button to select the project location. 3. Click ok button to finish. If your FlashPro5/6 is connected properly you'll see the window shown below: .. figure:: ../images/FPExpress-flashing.png :width: 1240 :align: center :alt: FPExpress new project flash window Following the annotation in the image above: 1. From drop-down select ``Program`` action 2. Click on ``RUN`` button 3. Shows the progress If you see a lot of green color and the progress bar says ``PASSED`` then well done you have successfully flashed the gateware image on your BeagleV-Fire board. Flashing eMMC ************** Connect to BeagleV-Fire UART debug port using a 3.3v USB to UART bridge. .. figure:: ../images/debug/BeagleV-Fire-UART-Debug.* :width: 1240 :align: center :alt: UART debug connection Now you can run ``tio `` in a terminal window to access the UART debug port connection. Once you are connected properly you can press the Reset button which will show you a progress bar like in the .. figure:: ../images/board-booting.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: BeagleV-Fire booting HSS with progress bar Once you see that progress bar on your screen you can start pressing any button (0-9/a-z) which will stop the board from fully booting and you'll be able to access Hart Software Services (HSS) prompt. BeagleV-Fire's eMMC content is written by the Hart Software Services (HSS) using the ``usbdmsc`` command. The HSS ``usbdmsc`` command exposes the eMMC as a USB mass storage device USB type C connector. .. figure:: ../images/boot-message.png :width: 1240 :align: center :alt: BeagleV-Fire boot messages with HSS prompt access Once you see ``>>`` you can execute the commands below: 1. ``>> mmc`` 2. ``>> usbdmsc`` .. figure:: ../images/HSS-eMMC-mass-storage.png :width: 1240 :align: center :alt: HSS commands to show eMMC as mass storage After executing the commands above your BeagleV-Fire's eMMC will be exposed as a mass storage device like shown in the image below: .. figure:: ../images/mass-storage-eMMC.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: BeagleV-Fire eMMC as mass storage Once your board is exposed as a mass storage device you can use `Balena Etcher `_ to flash the ``sdcard.img`` on your BeagleV-Fire's eMMC. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Select image 1. Select the ``sdcard.img`` file from your local drive storage. 2. Click on select target. .. figure:: ../images/eMMC-flashing-1.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: Balena Etcher selecting image .. tab-item:: Select Target 1. Select ``MCC PolarFireSoC_msd`` as target. 2. Click ``Select(1)`` to proceed. .. figure:: ../images/eMMC-flashing-2.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: Balena Etcher selecting target .. tab-item:: Flash image 1. Click on ``Flash!`` to flash the ``sdcard.img`` on BeagleV-Fire eMMC storage. .. figure:: ../images/eMMC-flashing-3.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: Balena Etcher flashing image Congratulations! with that done you have fully updated BeagleV-Fire board with up to date gateware image on it's PolarFire SoC's FPGA Fabric and linux image on it's eMMC storage.