.. _beagleplay-serial-console: Using Serial Console #################### To see the board boot log and access your BeaglePlay's console you can connect a USB-UART cable as depicted in the image below and use applications like ``tio`` to access the console. .. figure:: images/serial-debug-connection.* :width: 1400 :alt: Serial debug (USB-UART) cable connection. Serial debug (USB-UART) cable connection. If you are using Linux your USB to UART converter may appear as ``/dev/ttyUSB``. It will be different for Mac and Windows operating systems. .. code-block:: shell [lorforlinux@fedora ~] $ tio /dev/ttyUSB0 tio v2.5 Press ctrl-t q to quit Connected .. tip:: For more information on ``USB to UART`` cables, you can checkout :ref:`serial-debug-cables` section.