.. _intro-linux: Introduction to Linux ##################### This article seeks to give you some quick exploration of Linux. For a deeper training, scroll down to :ref:`embedded-linux-training`. Linux is designed to make the details of the hardware it is running on not matter so much to users. It gives you a *somewhat* common experience on any hardware. It also goes a bit further, providing some description of the harware as part of the running "file system". Typical Command-line Utilities ****************************** Most of what a new user experiences with Linux is the command-line. .. table:: Typical Linux commands +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | command | function | command | function | +=========+================================+=========+====================================+ | pwd | *show current directory* | echo | *print/dump value* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | cd | *change current directory* | env | *dump environment variables* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | ls | *list directory contents* | export | *set environment variable* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | chmod | *change file permissions* | history | *dump command history* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | cp | *copy files* | man | *get help on command* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | mv | *move files* | apropos | *show list of man pages* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | rm | *remove files* | find | *search for files* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | mkdir | *make directory* | tar | *create/extract file archives* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | rmdir | *remove directory* | gzip | *compress a file* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | cat | *dump file contents* | gunzip | *decompress a file* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | less | *progressively dump file* | du | *show disk usage* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | vi | *edit file (complex)* | df | *show disk free space* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | nano | *edit file (simple)* | mount | *mount disks* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | head | *trim dump to top* | tee | *write dump to file in parallel* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ | tail | *trim dump to bottom* | hexdump | *readable binary dumps* | +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+ Kernel.org Documentation ************************ See https://www.kernel.org/doc. Linux Standard Base ******************* See https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/lsb.shtml. .. code-block:: shell-session $ lsb_release -a Filesystem Hierarchy Standard ***************************** See https://www.pathname.com/fhs/ Kernel Application Binary Interface *********************************** See https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/ABI/. Busybox ******* Even though large distros like Debian and Ubuntu do not make extensive use of `busybox`, it is still very useful to learn See http://www.busybox.net/. .. _embedded-linux-training: Training ******** To continue learning more about Linux, we highly recommend https://bootlin.com/training/embedded-linux/.