.. _introduction: Introduction ############# Welcome to the `BeagleBoard project documentation `__. If you are looking for help with your Beagle open-hardware development platform, you've found the right place! .. important:: This documentation is a work in progress. For the latest versions of this documentation, be sure to check the official release sites: * https://docs.beagle.cc (cached with local proxies) * https://docs.beagleboard.org (non-cached, without proxies) For bleeding edge (development-stage) documentation: * https://docs.beagleboard.io (straight from `docs repo `_) Get started quickly on our Linux-enabled boards with :ref:`blinkLED`, follow-up with articles in :ref:`intro_beagle-101`, and reach out via resources on our :ref:`support` page as needed to resolve issues and engage with the developer community. Don't forget that this is an open-source project! Your contributions are welcome. Learn about how to contribute to the BeagleBoard documentation project and any of the many open-source Beagle projects ongoing on our :ref:`contribution` page. .. warning:: Make sure you thoroughly read and agree with our :ref:`boards-terms-and-conditions` which covers warnings, restrictions, disclaimers, and warranty for all of our boards. Use of either the boards or the design materials constitutes agreement to the T&C including any modifications done to the hardware or software solutions provided by the BeagleBoard.org Foundation. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 /intro/beagle101/index /intro/support/index /intro/contribution/index