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Using Micropython#


Currently under development

Micropython is a great way to get started developing with BeagleConnect Freedom quickly.

Flashed firmware#

BeagleConnect Freedom initial production firmware is release 0.0.3 of our own fork of Micropython.


You can verify this version by using mcumgr over a UDP connection or mcuboot over the serial console shell.

Latest releases are part of our Zephyr SDK releases.




The first boards were flashed with this firmware.

debian@BeaglePlay:~$ sudo systemd-resolve --set-mdns=yes --interface=lowpan0
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ avahi-browse -r -t _zephyr._tcp
+ lowpan0 IPv6 zephyr                                        _zephyr._tcp         local
= lowpan0 IPv6 zephyr                                        _zephyr._tcp         local
   hostname = [zephyr.local]
   address = [fe80::3265:842a:4b:1200]
   port = [12345]
   txt = []
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ avahi-resolve -6 -n zephyr.local
zephyr.local    fe80::ec0f:7a22:4b:1200
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ mcumgr conn add bcf0 type="udp" connstring="[fe80::3265:842a:4b:1200%lowpan0]:1337"
Connection profile bcf0 successfully added
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ mcumgr -c bcf0 image list
 image=0 slot=0
    version: hu.hu.hu
    bootable: true
    flags: active confirmed
    hash: 3697bcef05a6becda7dc14150d46c05dbed5fa78633657b20cf34e1418affee9
Split status: N/A (0)
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ mcumgr -c bcf0 shell exec "device list"

- random@40028000 (READY)
- i2c@40002000 (READY)
- I2C_0S (READY)
  requires: GPIO_0
  requires: i2c@40002000
- flash-controller@40030000 (READY)
- spi@40000000 (READY)
  requires: GPIO_0
- ieee802154g (READY)
- gd25q16c@0 (READY)
  requires: spi@40000000
- leds (READY)
  requires: I2C_0S
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ mcumgr -c bcf0 shell exec "net iface"

Hostname: zephyr

Interface 0x20002de4 (IEEE 802.15.4) [1]
Link addr : 30:65:84:2A:00:4B:12:00
MTU       : 125
Flags     : AUTO_START,IPv6
IPv6 unicast addresses (max 3):
        fe80::3265:842a:4b:1200 autoconf preferred infinite
        2001:db8::1 manual preferred infinite
IPv6 multicast addresses (max 4):
debian@BeaglePlay:~$ tio /dev/ttyACM0
[tio 07:32:17] tio v1.32
[tio 07:32:17] Press ctrl-t q to quit
[tio 07:32:17] Connected
gd25q16c@0: SFDP v 1.0 AP ff with 2 PH
I: PH0: ff00 rev 1.0: 9 DW @ 30
I: gd25q16c@0: 2 MiBy flash
I: PH1: ffc8 rev 1.0: 3 DW @ 60
*** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v3.2.0-3470-g14e193081b1f ***
I: Starting bootloader
I: Primary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
I: Scratch: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
I: Boot source: primary slot
I: Swap type: test
I: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x20000
I: Jumping to the first image slot

[00:00:00.001,647] <inf> spi_nor: gd25q16c@0: SFDP v 1.0 AP ff with 2 PH
[00:00:00.001,647] <inf> spi_nor: PH0: ff00 rev 1.0: 9 DW @ 30
[00:00:00.001,983] <in

Press reset

I: gd25q16c@0: SFDP v 1.0 AP ff with 2 PH
I: PH0: ff00 rev 1.0: 9 DW @ 30
I: gd25q16c@0: 2 MiBy flash
I: PH1: ffc8 rev 1.0: 3 DW @ 60
*** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v3.2.0-3470-g14e193081b1f ***
I: Starting bootloader
I: Primary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
I: Scratch: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
I: Boot source: primary slot
I: Swap type: test
I: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x20000
I: Jumping to the first image slot

[00:00:00.001,495] <inf> spi_nor: gd25q16c@0: SFDP v 1.0 AP ff with 2 PH
[00:00:00.001,525] <inf> spi_nor: PH0: ff00 rev 1.0: 9 DW @ 30
[00:00:00.001,800] <inf> spi_nor: gd25q16c@0: 2 MiBy flash
[00:00:00.001,831] <inf> spi_nor: PH1: ffc8 rev 1.0: 3 DW @ 60
uart:~$ build time: Feb 22 2023 07:13:09MicroPython v1.19.1 on 2023-02-22; zephyr-beagleconnect_freedom with unknown-cpu
Type "help()" for more information.
>>> help()
Welcome to MicroPython!

Control commands:
  CTRL-A        -- on a blank line, enter raw REPL mode
  CTRL-B        -- on a blank line, enter normal REPL mode
  CTRL-C        -- interrupt a running program
  CTRL-D        -- on a blank line, do a soft reset of the board
  CTRL-E        -- on a blank line, enter paste mode

For further help on a specific object, type help(obj)

See https://beagleconnect.org/micropython for examples.
>>> import zsensor
>>> light=zsensor.Sensor("OPT3001-LIGHT")
>>> humidity=zsensor.Sensor("HDC2010-HUMIDITY")
>>> light.measure()
>>> light.get_float(zsensor.LIGHT)
>>> humidity.measure()
>>> humidity.get_float(zsensor.HUMIDITY)
>>> humidity.get_float(zsensor.AMBIENT_TEMP)
>>> dir(zsensor)
['__name__', 'ACCEL_X', 'ACCEL_Y', 'ACCEL_Z', 'ALTITUDE', 'AMBIENT_TEMP', 'BLUE', 'CO2', 'DIE_TEMP', 'DISTANCE', 'GAS_RES', 'GREEN', 'GYRO_X', 'GYRO_Y', 'GYRO_Z', 'HUMIDITY', 'IR', 'LIGHT', 'MAGN_X', 'MAGN_Y', 'MAGN_Z', 'PM_10', 'PM_1_0', 'PM_2_5', 'PRESS', 'PROX', 'RED', 'Sensor', 'VOC', 'VOLTAGE']
>>> import os
>>> with open('/flash/test.txt', 'w') as f:
...     f.write("My test.txt\n")
...     ^H
>>> print(open('/flash/test.txt').read())
My test.txt

>>> import socket
>>> sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> sock.bind(('ff02::1', 9999))
>>> for i in range(3):
...     data, sender = sock.recvfrom(1024)
...     print(str(sender) + '  ' + repr(data))
...     ^H
('fe80::ec0f:7a22:4b:1200', <>, 0, 7)  b'4h:32.71;4t:17.29;'
('fe80::ec0f:7a22:4b:1200', <>, 0, 7)  b'2l:0.35;'
('fe80::ec0f:7a22:4b:1200', <>, 0, 7)  b'4h:32.71;4t:17.29;'
>>> import machine
>>> AN=machine.Pin(("GPIO_0", 23), machine.Pin.OUT)
>>> AN.init(machine.Pin.OUT, machine.Pin.PULL_UP, value=1)
>>> LNK_LED=machine.Pin(("GPIO_0", 18), machine.Pin.OUT)
>>> LNK_LED.init(machine.Pin.OUT, machine.Pin.PULL_UP, value=1)
>>> LNK_LED.off()
>>> LNK_LED.on()
[tio 07:40:16] Disconnected



Need to describe functionality of 0.2.2


Look for the latest firmware release on https://www.beagleboard.org/distros or on https://beagleconnect.org.

Download, unzip and flash the micropython-w-boot image.

wget https://files.beagle.cc/file/beagleboard-public-2021/images/zephyr-beagle-cc1352-0.2.2.zip
unzip zephyr-beagle-cc1352-0.2.2.zip
./build/freedom/cc2538-bsl.py build/freedom/micropython-w-boot


Repository: https://git.beagleboard.org/beagleconnect/zephyr/micropython