Quick Start Guide#

What’s included in the box?#

  1. BeagleConnect Freedom board in enclosure

  2. Antenna

  3. USB cable

  4. Quick-start card


Image with what’s inside the box and a better description.


For board files, 3D model, and more, you can checkout BeagleConnect Freedom repository on OpenBeagle.

Attaching antenna#

To connect the SubGHz antenna with SMA connector to the BeagleConnect Freedom you just have to align, place and rotate the antenna clockwise as shown in the image below. To detach the antenna just twist it anti-clockwise.


Fig. 534 Aattaching antenna to BeagleConnect Freedom#

Tethering to PC#


Describe how to get a serial connection.

Wireless Connection#


Describe how to get an IEEE802.15.4g connection from BeaglePlay.

Access Micropython#

Boards come pre-flashed with Micropython. Read Using Micropython for more details.


Describe how to get to a local console and websockets console.

Demos and Tutorials#